Improving our community and supporting our veterans and children.
As Elks we support Americanism, educate our youth, encourage community giving, care for our service men and women and so much more!

We love the Franklin area and host many events to bring our community together.
Red Cross Blood Drives
Local Food Banks

Elks are the largest giver of scholarships next to the federal government.
Our Lodge's George Woods Jr.
Elks National Foundation (ENF)
Legacy Awards
Most Valuable Student
Emergency Educational Grants

"So long as there are veterans, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks will never forget them."
Local 5k Road Race & Walk
Oil for Veterans
Motorcycle Runs
Lunches & Dinners
VA Hospital Visits/Donations

We invest in our children as they are our future.
Dictionaries for Kids
Did you know ...
million in cash contributions were made by Elks Members, Volunteers, & Auxiliaries
million hours were donated by Elks Members
million was given (cash, travel, hours donated) by Massachusetts Elks Members
... toward all activities and programs that the Elks are engaged in for the Elks Lodge year 2023-2024?
2023 Franklin Memorial Day Parade
Franklin Elks Lodge #2136 Mark Ellis, P.E.R. served as Grand Marshal of the 2023 Memorial Day Parade. Congratulations Mark on this tremendous honor and thank you for your tireless work on behalf of our veterans.
We’re so proud of you!